Combustion equipment for grain dryers


Application Number: 200810005117.3 Application date: 2008.01.22
Name: Combustion equipment for grain dryers
Public (announcement) number: CN101231143 Public (announcement) day: 2008.07.30
Main classification F26B23/02(2006.01)I The original application number of the division:
Classification number: F26B23/02(2006.01)I;F23K3/00(2006.01)I;F23D1/00(2006.01)I;F23N5/00(2006.01)I
Award day: Priority: 2007.1.22 KR 10-2007-006567
Application (patent) person: Seongsan Corporation
Address: Jeollanam-do, South Korea
Inventor (design) person: Shen Yangxiu International application:
International publication: Enter country date:
Patent agency: Zhongke Patent and Trademark Agency Co., Ltd. Agent: Wang Xinhua


A combustion apparatus for a grain dryer. A combustion apparatus for a grain dryer includes a combustion chamber in communication with a dryer into which a grain is placed and a combustion apparatus mounted on one side, a blower that supplies air into the combustion chamber, and a side formed in the combustion chamber to discharge A discharge portion of the ash generated by burning the fuel, the combustion device including a fuel delivery device, a fuel distribution plate, a combustion disk, a drive motor, and a controller. The combustion apparatus for the grain dryer can prevent the oil from burning at a temperature higher than the combustion temperature during the drying of the grain, and only uses the heated air to burn the fuel such as the chaff that is separated and thrown to minimize the use of the oil, Thereby reducing costs.