Grain moisture online detection


The importance of moisture determination for milk powder

   Milk powder is a powder prepared by removing milk from milk suitable for storage. Written in Italian traveler Marco Polo's Travels, Chinese Yuan Mongolian cavalry had been carrying live a Mongol general Hui Yuan were dried milk powder processed food, powdered milk made portable, as quartermaster material. The earliest country to invent milk powder is China, and the world's first milk powder brand is Huiyuan! This is also the earliest written record of human milk powder in the world!

   Research data show that one of the important quality indicators of food is the content of water. The certain water content can maintain the quality of food and prolong the food preservation period. The water content of different foods has different standards. Sometimes the water content of 1% is in quality. And economic benefits will play a big role.

   For example, milk powder requires a moisture control of 3.0 to 5.0% , which cannot exceed this range. If the water content is 4 to 6% , that is, the water content is increased to 3.5% or more, it is easy to agglomerate the milk powder, reduce the commercial value of the milk powder, the water content is large, the milk powder is discolored, the storage period is lowered, and some foods have too high water content. It is easy to soften the state of the tissue, and the elasticity is also reduced or even disappeared. Milk powder with too high water content is prone to loss of nutrients, growth of microorganisms, and deterioration of milk powder. The current average moisture control in the industry is around 4% .

Therefore, testing the moisture content in milk powder is an indispensable item for each company's production and quality inspection.