Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)


Model NO.: HY30-D
Item Name: Laser Therapeutic Apparatus
Ambient Temperature: +0ºC~40ºC
Relative Humidity: 30%~75%
Atmospheric Pressure: 70 Kpa-106 Kpa
Power Supply: 100-240V, 50/60Hz
Trademark: OEM
Transport Package: Standard Packaging, 4PCS/CTN
Specification: 60*63*40Cm, 31KG
Origin: China
Model NO.: HY30-D
Item Name: Laser Therapeutic Apparatus
Ambient Temperature: +0ºC~40ºC
Relative Humidity: 30%~75%
Atmospheric Pressure: 70 Kpa-106 Kpa
Power Supply: 100-240V, 50/60Hz
Trademark: OEM
Transport Package: Standard Packaging, 4PCS/CTN
Specification: 60*63*40Cm, 31KG
Origin: China
Latest Multi-functional Semiconductor 810nm and 650nm low level Laser Treatment Instrument

Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)
1. Features
It was certified by the State Food and Drug Administration Agency and has won two national patents and the registration certificate of medical apparatus classII. This apparatus utilizes low-intensity laser to irradiate the extensive infected/injured area and acupoints, and then achieves the medical treatment as anti-inflammatory, desensitization, analgesia, restoration, healing and regulation. There is no side effect during this process. All the products of Hinet have passed ISO9001 and ISO13485 medical apparatus certificates and they're featured with painless, noninvasive and precise effects. Further more, the product has passed all the clinical tests separately in TongJi Medical College of HuaZhong University of Science & Technology and Union hospital. The technology of this apparatus has overcome the defects of traditional large and expensive products. It is easy to operate, convenient and safe. It combines LLLT (low level laser therapy) technology with Chinese acupuncture theory and creatively put forward "laser acupuncture" instead of the traditional acupuncture needle to relieve the pain of the patients, increase the safety of treatment and greatly improve the treatment effect.
 2.Range of Application
Pain relief, neck pain, back pain, anti-inflammation, arthritis, rheumatism, headache, dentalgia, soft tissue wound, trauma, sport injury, improving blood circulation , fracture healing, rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal polyps, skin and mucosal ulcers, insomnia, cervical spondylosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, hyperviscosity, hyperlipemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, ischemic heart and cerebral vascular disease caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)
Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)
1. Countdown function, the time of treatment can be changed.
2. A and B probes have continuous output and pulse output options. Pulse is generally used for irradiating acupuncture points.
3. The probes can either work alone or work simultaneously.

3.Basic Principles
Low level laser do not cause irreversible damage to the target tissue but only a series of physiological and biochemical changes. The product provides two laser irradiation methods, one is the laser shower head with 200mW power and 810nm wavelength, another is the laser probe with 5mW power and 650nm wavelength. The laser in the above wavelengths is harmless to body tissue/cell but it can penetrate skin, fat, muscle, blood vessel wall and etc. There is about 10% laser energy will be absorbed by blood during the irradiation. The results of clinical tests indicate that the low level laser is a powerful biological stimulation source which can improve the blood circulation, nerve functions, anti-disease ability, and accelerate regeneration of cell, hair's growth, cure of wounds and tissue recovery.  
1.Influence to soft tissue
Low level laser can accelerate the cure process of wounds by stimulating granulation tissue and reepithlialization. After irradiation, the esterase content in the macrophage sap in wounds will increase, the regeneration of epithelium, fibroblast will be accelerated and the DNA content in these cells will increase as well.
2.Influence to ulceration healing
Proper irradiation to the ulceration areas by low level laser can accelerate cure process of ulceration and regeneration of epidermis, no cicatrization generating. Since the irradiation can stimulate collagen combining and regeneration of capillary vessels, increase kinds of bioactive enzyme and the quantity of immunoglobulin in the secretion of ulceration.
3.Influence to fracture healing
Continuous irradiation to the fracture area by low level laser can accelerate regeneration of bone and the porotic process. The effect of the laser is to improve the functions of osteoplast, accelerate the callus metabolism and reaction. Through irradiation, the absorption to haematoma will be accelerated, the macrophage will be generated promptly, the quantity of fibroblast and capillary vessels will be increased, chondrocyte will be more active, calcium salt aggradation will occur earlier, all of the above will make positive effect to the recovery of fracture.
4.Influence to diminish inflammation and relieve pain     
Low level laser irradiation can diminish the infective inflammation caused by staphylococci, on the one hand it can stimulate the defensive quality of body which result in enhancement of immunity function; on the other hand it can greatly increase the quantity of RNA and glycogen in skin and muscle. According to the tests, at the early/middle stage of acute inflammation, the serotonin content will increase in local tissue while low lever laser irradiation can decrease the serotonin content in local tissue and accelerate morphine-like substance's release thus the pain will be relieved.
5.Influence on immunity enhancement
According to the tests results, low level laser irradiation can enhance the body immunity. It can accelerate the multiplication of local cells thus it can activate the relative immunologically competent cells when irradiating to different areas.  
Clinical hints to low level laser irradiation on immunity enhancement
  1. In irradiation term (namely short-term efficacy) should focus on immunity enhancement of body fluid; in rest term (namely long-term efficacy) should focus on immunity enhancement of cells.
  2. Irradiation to acupoints can improve immunity and adjust immunity.
  3. The immunity enhancement effects will be different when irradiated area, irradiation method and irradiation time are different.
  4. Influence to regeneration of nerve and muscle fiber    
According to the clinical results, low level laser irradiation can accelerate the regeneration of nerves and muscle fibers around the wounds.

4.Installation of the Apparatus
 Environment Requirements
a)Ambient temperature: +0ºC~40ºC
b)Relative humidity: 30%~75%
c) Atmospheric pressure: 70 KPa-106 KPa
d) Power Supply: AC220V±22V, 50Hz / AC110V±10%, 50-60Hz
e) Dimension: 31cm×25cm×18cm
The instrument shall be stored in a place which is far away from strong electric field, magnetic field devices and high voltage equipment; to avoid strong and direct sunlight to its display.The instrument shall be used in room maintained ventilation, damp-proof and dust proof.
Headache It is one of the most common pain syndrome, which can be divided into vascular headache, muscle contraction headache and drag/inflammatory headache according to the mechanism of pain. Vascular headache is mainly manifested as migraine and cluster headaches.
Selected acupoints: temple, Yangbai, Hegu, Waiguan and Zusanli.
Vertigo It is a self-feeling symptom. In mild cases the symptom can be lighten by closing eyes, while in serious cases one can't stand and has a sensation of dizziness, which may be accompanied with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, hearing impairment, etc.
Selected acupoints: Fengchi, Baihui, Neiguan and Sanyinjiao.
Rhinitis Chronic rhinitis is caused by the pathological change of chronic inflammation of the submucous layer as the mycteric mucosa suffers a long-term inflammatory stimulation. The clinical manifestations include intermittent or alternate nasal obstruction, increased nasal secretions, (deleted) nasal membrane bleeding, swelling and smoothing, etc.
Selected acupoints: Yangbai, Yingxiang, Zanzhu and templle.
Trigeminal neuralgia and facioplegia It is common in the middle-aged and old, more common in women than men. It is usually accompanied by repeated, short and acute pains within the distribution scope of the trigeminal nerves.
Selected acupoints according to innervation: First branch pain: Yuyao and Zanzhu; Second branch pain: Yangbai and Xiaguan; Third branch pain: Dicang and Jiache.
Dentalgia It is one of the common clinical symptoms, which is caused by the following diseases: pulpitis, apical periodontitis, parodontitis, periodontitis, allergies, trigeminal neuralgia, maxillar sinusitis, jawbone tumor bone, etc. 
Selected acupoints: Xiagan, Xiache, temple and Fengchi.
Cervical spondylosis Injuries of cervical vertebra, intervertebral cartilages and its surrounding fibrous structure may cause several symptoms, such as narrowing of intervertebral space, loosening of articular capsule, disturbed internal balance, neck/shoulder/arm pains, anesthesia and movement disturbance. Cervical spondylosis can be divided into the nerve root type,   according to the categories and clinic features of the injured tissues,spinal cord arms, hands and chest are painful, numb, heavy and weak, accompanied with dizziness. In serious cases one will suffer muscular atrophy that the pain is unobvious but serious dysfunction.
Selected acupoints: Fengchi, Tianzhu, Jianjing, Tianzong, Jingjiaji, Jianguyu and Waiguan.
Neurasthenia(insomnia) It is a kind of functional disturbance caused by overstrain of high-class nervous activities. Its main symptoms include: insomnia, fidgety and excitability, exhaustion, memory loss, listlessness, drowsiness and being excited and sleepless at night.
Selected acupoints: Shenmen, Sanyinjiao and Zusanli.  Acupoints for agrypnia: Neiguan, Fengchi, Xinshu and sleep point.
Scapulohumeral periarthritis It refers to the retrogression of the surrounding tissues of shoulder joint, which is common in the middle-aged and old from 45 to 60 years old. The clinical manifestations include limited range motion of shoulder joint and dysfunction.
Selected acupoints: Jianguyu, Jianguliao, Quchi and Hegu.
Cerebral arteriosclerosis Selected acupoints: two sides of Fengchi.
RA(rheumatoid arthritis) It refers to a kind of allergic disorder related to beta-hemolytic streptococci. It is common in young adults. In acute exacerbation, it is mainly featured with multiple, wandering redness, swelling, heat and pain of large joints. Cold, humidity and tiredness may cause the deterioration of symptoms. The occurrence and development of RA have relevance to the immunologic process controlled by genetic factors. It is common in young adults, with 80% sufferers are between 20-45 years old, more common in women than men. The typical symptoms include repeated pain and swelling of small joints of hand and foot, which may be followed by pain of other joints, resulting in stiffness and deformation of joints.   
Selected acupoints: articulatio cubiti: Quchi, Quze, Chize, Shousanli and Xiaohai.Articulatio capitis humeri: Jianguyu, Jianzhen and Jianjing.Articulatio carpi: Yangchi, Yangxi, Daling and Hegu.Articulatio metacarpophalangea: Baxie, Hegu and Sanjian.Articulationes digitorum manus: Sifeng.Articulatio coxae: Huantiao, Zhibian, Jianguliao and Piguan.Articulatio talocruralis: Kunlun, Taixi, Jiexi and Qiexu.Articulationes columnae: Dazhui, Shenzhu and Yaoyangguan.
Mammary hyperplasia Mammary pain is a kind of symptom caused by mastadenitis and mammary hyperplasia. One or several soft swellings or lumps could be found in the unilateral breast. Unmarried female sufferers usually feel painful and uncomfortable when angry or in the monthly period; while breast feeding women usually suffer galacthidrosis, an aversion to cold with fever, arthralgia, chest distress and so on.
Selected acupoints: Rugen, Rutong, Ganshu and Shanzhong.
heart diseases
It is caused by atherothrombotic plaques on the inner walls of the coronary arteries which results in interrupted blood flow, myocardial ischemia, oxygen deficit, or even mortify of tissues.Hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, smoking and drinking may cause atherosclerosis and consequently coronary heart diseases. The clinical manifestations include angina pectoris and acute miocardial infarction.
Selected acupoints: Neiguan, Shanzhong, Zhongwan, Xinshu and Jueyangshu.
Diabetes It refers to the symptom that blood sugar and urine glucose is higher than the normal value which is caused by the Insulin secretion dysfunction, result in "three ploy-s and one loss"(namely polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria and weight loss ). It is usually accompanied with diminution of vision, itch and other kind of complications at the late stage.  
Selected acupoints: Yishu, Feishu, Shenshu, Pishu, Zusanli and Sanyinjiao.
Proplapse of lumbar intervertebral disc It is also known as herniated nucleus pulposus and annuli fibrosi disruption. The herniated nucleus pulposus suppresses the spinal nerve root, usually resulting in adhesion, water swelling and denaturation of nerves, especially the ischiadic nerves and cauda equina nerves. The clinical manifestations include: backache, sciatica, dyskinesia, changes of the normal physiological curve of spine, convulsion of waist muscle, regular dull tenderness at the prolapsed intervertebral disc, and expansion of pain or numbness at the suppressed point to the lower limbs. The sufferers with a long-term and serious history may undergo the reduction of muscular tension, weakening of muscle strength, or even muscular atrophy and strange feelings. 
Selected acupoints: Shenshu, Huantiao, Mingmen, Weizhong and Yaoyangguan.
Sciatica It is mainly caused by the proplapse of lumbar intervertebral disc, mainly manifested as herniated nucleus pulposus, fibroplasias, radial rhagadia of fibres in concentric circles, pathological changes of intervertebral disc; dyskinesia, intervertebral joint denaturation, laxity of ligament, connective tissue proliferation caused by the abnormality of spine, as well as even hyperosteogeny, denaturational rhagadia of lumbar intervertebral disc, finally resulting in sciatica as the herniated nucleus pulposus suppresses the nerve root.  The clinical manifestations include: the pain wanders along one section of or the whole ischiadic nerve, causes backache or acute pain spreading toward the thigh or shank. The sufferers are usually unable to lower the head, bow, raise legs or even make light physical labor.    
Selected acupoints: Huantiao, Shenshu, Weizhong, Juguliao, Yanglinquan, Chengshan, Yinmen, Chengfu and Zusanli.
Hemiplegia It is one of the common symptoms of cerebrovascular disease. It is common in the middle-aged and old with a hypertension or atherosclerosis history. In mild cases the sufferer may feel weak on the unilateral upper or lower limb; while in serious cases one will suffer the one-sided paralysis. Some of them may suffer facioplegia, resulting in distortion of commissure and saliva dribbling.
Selected acupoints: extremitas superior: Jianjing, Quchi, Hegu and Waiguan.  Extremitas inferior: Weizhong, Kunlun, Xuanzhong and Yanglingquan.
Sequelae of infantile paralysis Selected acupoints: extremitas superior: Jiangguyu, Quchi, Neiguan and Hegu. Extremitas inferior: Huantiao, Jiaji, Yinmen, Yanglingquan and Zusanli.
Cystitis It is more common in newly married female as well as the middle-aged and old. Clinically, it is divided into acute and chronic types. The acute cystitis usually abrupt suddenly, while the chronic one attacks repeatedly. Both are caused by bacterial infection and medical stimulation. The main symptoms include: polyuria, utgency of urination and dysuria, which are accompanied with fever, comfortlessness, enuresis, acraturesis, cloudy urine, backache, etc.
Selected acupoints: Pangguangshu, Shenshu and Sanyinjiao.
Climacteric syndrome It is a syndrome caused by endocrine dyscrasia or vegetative nerve functional disturbance in the menopausal female, combining dizziness, tinnitus, irritability, mental weariness, palpitations, insomnia, or even emotional disorder, polyuria, utgency of urination, inappetence, etc.
Selected acupoints: Yaoshu, Dazhui, Guanyuan, Shenshu and Sanyinjiao.
Algomenorrhea It refers to the pain or acute pain in the underbelly and lumbosacral region near or during the monthly period, sometimes accompanied with nausea and vomiting and even coma. 
Selected acupoints: Qihai, Guanyuan, Zhongji, Tianzhui, Guilai, Shuidao, Taichong and Sanyinjiao.
Hypertension It is a kind of disease manifested by the increase of arterial pressure. The main symptoms include: headache, dizziness, feeling of fullness in the head, tinnitus, giddiness, irritancy, fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, memory loss, etc. If the blood pressure experiences a long period of rising and brings effects to some organs, more complicated symptoms may appear. When the heart is affected by the high pressure, palpitations and shortness of breath as well as chest distress may appear; when the kidney is affected, yellow urine may appear; when the head is affected, a stroke or hemorrhage of the ocular funcus may appear. 
Selected acupoints: Neiguan, Quchi, Hegu, Zusanli, Taichong and Sanyinjiao.
 (The treatment at each group of acupoints should not exceed 5 min.)

Hypopiesis It is divided into the acute and chronic types. The former is featured with apopsychia or a shock; the latter, caused by endocrine dyscrasia and many other diseases, is featured with dizziness, giddiness, tinnitus, fatigue, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, excessive sweating, memory loss, etc. In serious cases, one may suffer nausea, vomiting and even coma. Some of the sufferers do not have self-feeling symptoms.
Selected acupoints: Guanyuan, Zusanli, Yongquan and Fengchi.
Varicosity It is a disease of lower limbs caused by cold-wetness or long-time standing in the youth. In the mid-aged period, the veins of the lower limbs may expose like earthworms, which are accompanied with venous masses in different sizes. It is manifested by comfortlessness of the lower limbs during walking or standing, which is followed by phlebitis or fester, finally resulting in losing the ability to work.
Selected acupoints: Taichong, Sanyinjiao, Yanglingquan and Weizhong.
Constipation Selected acupoints: Dachangshu, Zhigou, Quchi and Zusanli.
Piles Selected acupoints: Changqiang, Baihuanshu, Chengshan and Qihai.
Cerebral arteriosclerosis Selected acupoints: two sides of Fengchi.
Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)
Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)

Latest Multi-functional Semiconductor 810nm and 650nm low level Laser Treatment Instrument

Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)
1. Features
It was certified by the State Food and Drug Administration Agency and has won two national patents and the registration certificate of medical apparatus classII. This apparatus utilizes low-intensity laser to irradiate the extensive infected/injured area and acupoints, and then achieves the medical treatment as anti-inflammatory, desensitization, analgesia, restoration, healing and regulation. There is no side effect during this process. All the products of Hinet have passed ISO9001 and ISO13485 medical apparatus certificates and they're featured with painless, noninvasive and precise effects. Further more, the product has passed all the clinical tests separately in TongJi Medical College of HuaZhong University of Science & Technology and Union hospital. The technology of this apparatus has overcome the defects of traditional large and expensive products. It is easy to operate, convenient and safe. It combines LLLT (low level laser therapy) technology with Chinese acupuncture theory and creatively put forward "laser acupuncture" instead of the traditional acupuncture needle to relieve the pain of the patients, increase the safety of treatment and greatly improve the treatment effect.
 2.Range of Application
Pain relief, neck pain, back pain, anti-inflammation, arthritis, rheumatism, headache, dentalgia, soft tissue wound, trauma, sport injury, improving blood circulation , fracture healing, rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal polyps, skin and mucosal ulcers, insomnia, cervical spondylosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, hyperviscosity, hyperlipemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, ischemic heart and cerebral vascular disease caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)
Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)
1. Countdown function, the time of treatment can be changed.
2. A and B probes have continuous output and pulse output options. Pulse is generally used for irradiating acupuncture points.
3. The probes can either work alone or work simultaneously.

3.Basic Principles
Low level laser do not cause irreversible damage to the target tissue but only a series of physiological and biochemical changes. The product provides two laser irradiation methods, one is the laser shower head with 200mW power and 810nm wavelength, another is the laser probe with 5mW power and 650nm wavelength. The laser in the above wavelengths is harmless to body tissue/cell but it can penetrate skin, fat, muscle, blood vessel wall and etc. There is about 10% laser energy will be absorbed by blood during the irradiation. The results of clinical tests indicate that the low level laser is a powerful biological stimulation source which can improve the blood circulation, nerve functions, anti-disease ability, and accelerate regeneration of cell, hair's growth, cure of wounds and tissue recovery.  
1.Influence to soft tissue
Low level laser can accelerate the cure process of wounds by stimulating granulation tissue and reepithlialization. After irradiation, the esterase content in the macrophage sap in wounds will increase, the regeneration of epithelium, fibroblast will be accelerated and the DNA content in these cells will increase as well.
2.Influence to ulceration healing
Proper irradiation to the ulceration areas by low level laser can accelerate cure process of ulceration and regeneration of epidermis, no cicatrization generating. Since the irradiation can stimulate collagen combining and regeneration of capillary vessels, increase kinds of bioactive enzyme and the quantity of immunoglobulin in the secretion of ulceration.
3.Influence to fracture healing
Continuous irradiation to the fracture area by low level laser can accelerate regeneration of bone and the porotic process. The effect of the laser is to improve the functions of osteoplast, accelerate the callus metabolism and reaction. Through irradiation, the absorption to haematoma will be accelerated, the macrophage will be generated promptly, the quantity of fibroblast and capillary vessels will be increased, chondrocyte will be more active, calcium salt aggradation will occur earlier, all of the above will make positive effect to the recovery of fracture.
4.Influence to diminish inflammation and relieve pain     
Low level laser irradiation can diminish the infective inflammation caused by staphylococci, on the one hand it can stimulate the defensive quality of body which result in enhancement of immunity function; on the other hand it can greatly increase the quantity of RNA and glycogen in skin and muscle. According to the tests, at the early/middle stage of acute inflammation, the serotonin content will increase in local tissue while low lever laser irradiation can decrease the serotonin content in local tissue and accelerate morphine-like substance's release thus the pain will be relieved.
5.Influence on immunity enhancement
According to the tests results, low level laser irradiation can enhance the body immunity. It can accelerate the multiplication of local cells thus it can activate the relative immunologically competent cells when irradiating to different areas.  
Clinical hints to low level laser irradiation on immunity enhancement
  1. In irradiation term (namely short-term efficacy) should focus on immunity enhancement of body fluid; in rest term (namely long-term efficacy) should focus on immunity enhancement of cells.
  2. Irradiation to acupoints can improve immunity and adjust immunity.
  3. The immunity enhancement effects will be different when irradiated area, irradiation method and irradiation time are different.
  4. Influence to regeneration of nerve and muscle fiber    
According to the clinical results, low level laser irradiation can accelerate the regeneration of nerves and muscle fibers around the wounds.

4.Installation of the Apparatus
 Environment Requirements
a)Ambient temperature: +0ºC~40ºC
b)Relative humidity: 30%~75%
c) Atmospheric pressure: 70 KPa-106 KPa
d) Power Supply: AC220V±22V, 50Hz / AC110V±10%, 50-60Hz
e) Dimension: 31cm×25cm×18cm
The instrument shall be stored in a place which is far away from strong electric field, magnetic field devices and high voltage equipment; to avoid strong and direct sunlight to its display.The instrument shall be used in room maintained ventilation, damp-proof and dust proof.
Headache It is one of the most common pain syndrome, which can be divided into vascular headache, muscle contraction headache and drag/inflammatory headache according to the mechanism of pain. Vascular headache is mainly manifested as migraine and cluster headaches.
Selected acupoints: temple, Yangbai, Hegu, Waiguan and Zusanli.
Vertigo It is a self-feeling symptom. In mild cases the symptom can be lighten by closing eyes, while in serious cases one can't stand and has a sensation of dizziness, which may be accompanied with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, hearing impairment, etc.
Selected acupoints: Fengchi, Baihui, Neiguan and Sanyinjiao.
Rhinitis Chronic rhinitis is caused by the pathological change of chronic inflammation of the submucous layer as the mycteric mucosa suffers a long-term inflammatory stimulation. The clinical manifestations include intermittent or alternate nasal obstruction, increased nasal secretions, (deleted) nasal membrane bleeding, swelling and smoothing, etc.
Selected acupoints: Yangbai, Yingxiang, Zanzhu and templle.
Trigeminal neuralgia and facioplegia It is common in the middle-aged and old, more common in women than men. It is usually accompanied by repeated, short and acute pains within the distribution scope of the trigeminal nerves.
Selected acupoints according to innervation: First branch pain: Yuyao and Zanzhu; Second branch pain: Yangbai and Xiaguan; Third branch pain: Dicang and Jiache.
Dentalgia It is one of the common clinical symptoms, which is caused by the following diseases: pulpitis, apical periodontitis, parodontitis, periodontitis, allergies, trigeminal neuralgia, maxillar sinusitis, jawbone tumor bone, etc. 
Selected acupoints: Xiagan, Xiache, temple and Fengchi.
Cervical spondylosis Injuries of cervical vertebra, intervertebral cartilages and its surrounding fibrous structure may cause several symptoms, such as narrowing of intervertebral space, loosening of articular capsule, disturbed internal balance, neck/shoulder/arm pains, anesthesia and movement disturbance. Cervical spondylosis can be divided into the nerve root type,   according to the categories and clinic features of the injured tissues,spinal cord arms, hands and chest are painful, numb, heavy and weak, accompanied with dizziness. In serious cases one will suffer muscular atrophy that the pain is unobvious but serious dysfunction.
Selected acupoints: Fengchi, Tianzhu, Jianjing, Tianzong, Jingjiaji, Jianguyu and Waiguan.
Neurasthenia(insomnia) It is a kind of functional disturbance caused by overstrain of high-class nervous activities. Its main symptoms include: insomnia, fidgety and excitability, exhaustion, memory loss, listlessness, drowsiness and being excited and sleepless at night.
Selected acupoints: Shenmen, Sanyinjiao and Zusanli.  Acupoints for agrypnia: Neiguan, Fengchi, Xinshu and sleep point.
Scapulohumeral periarthritis It refers to the retrogression of the surrounding tissues of shoulder joint, which is common in the middle-aged and old from 45 to 60 years old. The clinical manifestations include limited range motion of shoulder joint and dysfunction.
Selected acupoints: Jianguyu, Jianguliao, Quchi and Hegu.
Cerebral arteriosclerosis Selected acupoints: two sides of Fengchi.
RA(rheumatoid arthritis) It refers to a kind of allergic disorder related to beta-hemolytic streptococci. It is common in young adults. In acute exacerbation, it is mainly featured with multiple, wandering redness, swelling, heat and pain of large joints. Cold, humidity and tiredness may cause the deterioration of symptoms. The occurrence and development of RA have relevance to the immunologic process controlled by genetic factors. It is common in young adults, with 80% sufferers are between 20-45 years old, more common in women than men. The typical symptoms include repeated pain and swelling of small joints of hand and foot, which may be followed by pain of other joints, resulting in stiffness and deformation of joints.   
Selected acupoints: articulatio cubiti: Quchi, Quze, Chize, Shousanli and Xiaohai.Articulatio capitis humeri: Jianguyu, Jianzhen and Jianjing.Articulatio carpi: Yangchi, Yangxi, Daling and Hegu.Articulatio metacarpophalangea: Baxie, Hegu and Sanjian.Articulationes digitorum manus: Sifeng.Articulatio coxae: Huantiao, Zhibian, Jianguliao and Piguan.Articulatio talocruralis: Kunlun, Taixi, Jiexi and Qiexu.Articulationes columnae: Dazhui, Shenzhu and Yaoyangguan.
Mammary hyperplasia Mammary pain is a kind of symptom caused by mastadenitis and mammary hyperplasia. One or several soft swellings or lumps could be found in the unilateral breast. Unmarried female sufferers usually feel painful and uncomfortable when angry or in the monthly period; while breast feeding women usually suffer galacthidrosis, an aversion to cold with fever, arthralgia, chest distress and so on.
Selected acupoints: Rugen, Rutong, Ganshu and Shanzhong.
heart diseases
It is caused by atherothrombotic plaques on the inner walls of the coronary arteries which results in interrupted blood flow, myocardial ischemia, oxygen deficit, or even mortify of tissues.Hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, smoking and drinking may cause atherosclerosis and consequently coronary heart diseases. The clinical manifestations include angina pectoris and acute miocardial infarction.
Selected acupoints: Neiguan, Shanzhong, Zhongwan, Xinshu and Jueyangshu.
Diabetes It refers to the symptom that blood sugar and urine glucose is higher than the normal value which is caused by the Insulin secretion dysfunction, result in "three ploy-s and one loss"(namely polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria and weight loss ). It is usually accompanied with diminution of vision, itch and other kind of complications at the late stage.  
Selected acupoints: Yishu, Feishu, Shenshu, Pishu, Zusanli and Sanyinjiao.
Proplapse of lumbar intervertebral disc It is also known as herniated nucleus pulposus and annuli fibrosi disruption. The herniated nucleus pulposus suppresses the spinal nerve root, usually resulting in adhesion, water swelling and denaturation of nerves, especially the ischiadic nerves and cauda equina nerves. The clinical manifestations include: backache, sciatica, dyskinesia, changes of the normal physiological curve of spine, convulsion of waist muscle, regular dull tenderness at the prolapsed intervertebral disc, and expansion of pain or numbness at the suppressed point to the lower limbs. The sufferers with a long-term and serious history may undergo the reduction of muscular tension, weakening of muscle strength, or even muscular atrophy and strange feelings. 
Selected acupoints: Shenshu, Huantiao, Mingmen, Weizhong and Yaoyangguan.
Sciatica It is mainly caused by the proplapse of lumbar intervertebral disc, mainly manifested as herniated nucleus pulposus, fibroplasias, radial rhagadia of fibres in concentric circles, pathological changes of intervertebral disc; dyskinesia, intervertebral joint denaturation, laxity of ligament, connective tissue proliferation caused by the abnormality of spine, as well as even hyperosteogeny, denaturational rhagadia of lumbar intervertebral disc, finally resulting in sciatica as the herniated nucleus pulposus suppresses the nerve root.  The clinical manifestations include: the pain wanders along one section of or the whole ischiadic nerve, causes backache or acute pain spreading toward the thigh or shank. The sufferers are usually unable to lower the head, bow, raise legs or even make light physical labor.    
Selected acupoints: Huantiao, Shenshu, Weizhong, Juguliao, Yanglinquan, Chengshan, Yinmen, Chengfu and Zusanli.
Hemiplegia It is one of the common symptoms of cerebrovascular disease. It is common in the middle-aged and old with a hypertension or atherosclerosis history. In mild cases the sufferer may feel weak on the unilateral upper or lower limb; while in serious cases one will suffer the one-sided paralysis. Some of them may suffer facioplegia, resulting in distortion of commissure and saliva dribbling.
Selected acupoints: extremitas superior: Jianjing, Quchi, Hegu and Waiguan.  Extremitas inferior: Weizhong, Kunlun, Xuanzhong and Yanglingquan.
Sequelae of infantile paralysis Selected acupoints: extremitas superior: Jiangguyu, Quchi, Neiguan and Hegu. Extremitas inferior: Huantiao, Jiaji, Yinmen, Yanglingquan and Zusanli.
Cystitis It is more common in newly married female as well as the middle-aged and old. Clinically, it is divided into acute and chronic types. The acute cystitis usually abrupt suddenly, while the chronic one attacks repeatedly. Both are caused by bacterial infection and medical stimulation. The main symptoms include: polyuria, utgency of urination and dysuria, which are accompanied with fever, comfortlessness, enuresis, acraturesis, cloudy urine, backache, etc.
Selected acupoints: Pangguangshu, Shenshu and Sanyinjiao.
Climacteric syndrome It is a syndrome caused by endocrine dyscrasia or vegetative nerve functional disturbance in the menopausal female, combining dizziness, tinnitus, irritability, mental weariness, palpitations, insomnia, or even emotional disorder, polyuria, utgency of urination, inappetence, etc.
Selected acupoints: Yaoshu, Dazhui, Guanyuan, Shenshu and Sanyinjiao.
Algomenorrhea It refers to the pain or acute pain in the underbelly and lumbosacral region near or during the monthly period, sometimes accompanied with nausea and vomiting and even coma. 
Selected acupoints: Qihai, Guanyuan, Zhongji, Tianzhui, Guilai, Shuidao, Taichong and Sanyinjiao.
Hypertension It is a kind of disease manifested by the increase of arterial pressure. The main symptoms include: headache, dizziness, feeling of fullness in the head, tinnitus, giddiness, irritancy, fatigue, palpitations, insomnia, memory loss, etc. If the blood pressure experiences a long period of rising and brings effects to some organs, more complicated symptoms may appear. When the heart is affected by the high pressure, palpitations and shortness of breath as well as chest distress may appear; when the kidney is affected, yellow urine may appear; when the head is affected, a stroke or hemorrhage of the ocular funcus may appear. 
Selected acupoints: Neiguan, Quchi, Hegu, Zusanli, Taichong and Sanyinjiao.
 (The treatment at each group of acupoints should not exceed 5 min.)

Hypopiesis It is divided into the acute and chronic types. The former is featured with apopsychia or a shock; the latter, caused by endocrine dyscrasia and many other diseases, is featured with dizziness, giddiness, tinnitus, fatigue, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, excessive sweating, memory loss, etc. In serious cases, one may suffer nausea, vomiting and even coma. Some of the sufferers do not have self-feeling symptoms.
Selected acupoints: Guanyuan, Zusanli, Yongquan and Fengchi.
Varicosity It is a disease of lower limbs caused by cold-wetness or long-time standing in the youth. In the mid-aged period, the veins of the lower limbs may expose like earthworms, which are accompanied with venous masses in different sizes. It is manifested by comfortlessness of the lower limbs during walking or standing, which is followed by phlebitis or fester, finally resulting in losing the ability to work.
Selected acupoints: Taichong, Sanyinjiao, Yanglingquan and Weizhong.
Constipation Selected acupoints: Dachangshu, Zhigou, Quchi and Zusanli.
Piles Selected acupoints: Changqiang, Baihuanshu, Chengshan and Qihai.
Cerebral arteriosclerosis Selected acupoints: two sides of Fengchi.
Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)
Lowe Level Laser 810nm for Wound Healing Pain Relief and Insomnia with 2 Probes (HY30-D)


    This classification summarizes the Feed Grade Spirulina Powder produced by our own factory in northwestern of China .     

    We have advanced equipment and strict quality control system to ensure the quality and production.


    The products under the classification are:

    1. Feed Grade Spiruina Powder .

    Various parameter specifications of our product:

    Naturland Certified ; CERES certified .
    EU & NOP standard ; Kosher & Halal Available .
    Low heavy metals & Micro Contents , Low & Stable PAH4 Level , 
    PAH4 value is less than 10 ppb .Low microorganismsNon-Irradiation , 
    Non GMO , Gluten Free , Allergen Free , Pesticides Free .
    Own Factory :  Manufacture in northwest of China . Legitimacy , Regularity , Cultural .
    Own Lab : Quality control and Product development . Strictly , Creativity , Responsibility .

    YIJIAN Company

    About Company
    Yanchi County Yijian Biotechnol Co.,Ltd
    was founded in Dec 2012 , 
    by Mr. Dezhi Zhang , 
    the legal representative of the company . 
    Company registered capital is 10 million RMB . 
    The main business sectors are culture , processing , internal sales , import and export trade of Organic Spirulina and Organic Chlorella products . 
    Yijian is known globally as one of the major suppliers of microalgae products across the world . 
    Annual production rate is 600 Mt . 
    Average annual sales income is around 5 million dollar .

Feed Grade Spirulina Powder

Feed Grade Spirulina Powder,Spirulina Powder For Feed,Feed Grade Nutritional Supplement,Feed Grade Organic Spirulina Powder

YANCHI YI JIAN BIOLOGICAL PROJECT CO.,LTD , http://www.spirulina-yj.com